Fields of Invisibility [Sesc Belenzinho], nov 2018 – feb 2019 +info
temp_engArtistic proposition by O grupo inteiro, based on curatorship, exhibition design and graphic design
Fields of Invisibility is an exhibition that proposes a reflection on global technological infrastructure and the invisibility of its operation modes (technical, social, environmental and political). It aims at questioning certain abstractions (such as the metaphor of ‘‘cloud’’) and consequently to reveal current modes of controlling, perceiving, processing and circulating information and how it unfolds in contemporary ways of life. It situates different perspectives from the Brazilian context – mainly Fortaleza, São Paulo and the Amazon Rainforest –, articulating with the African West coast, Europe and North America, pointing out to intricate global issues, comprising 22 invited participants.
Participants: Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Aretha Sadick, Bruno Mendonça, Carolina Caycedo, Cristine Takuá, Déborah Danowski, Denise Agassi, Emma Charles, Felix Pimenta, Jon Rafman, Julio Plaza, Kabila Aruanda, Louis Henderson, Rita Wu, Ruy Cézar Campos, Tabita Rezaire e Territorial Agency. Lectures: Keller Easterling, Deborah Danowski e Tabita Rezaire. More at: